EPIC (Electronic Profile Information Center)

EPIC is the robust platform our clients rely on for the varied tasks associated with administering assessments to clients and learners. It's the technology behind our business together.

What is EPIC used for?

EPIC is the foundational web-based platform that supports our products. Flexible enough to accommodate your preferences, EPIC allows you to administer access codes for online assessments, monitor report completion, and manage and print profile reports—from anywhere in the world.

EPIC credits are the currency used to issue access codes for individual reports and to generate group and facilitator reports. Credits can be purchased through the EPIC site or by contacting us at orders@fortunaintl.co.nz  or our client management team on 021 081 07791 

Customized to meet your needs

Once someone completes an assessment, EPIC scores and generates a personalized profile right away. You have the option to allow people to view their profiles immediately after they complete an assessment, or you can print the reports and reveal the results in person instead. You can also invite participants to the co-branded MyEverythingDISC.com learner engagement website, where they can view additional information about their DISC styles and generate comparisons themselves.

Administrative access

Our EPIC experts will walk you through your options.

To test drive EPIC use the link and login details below:

Log in: GetEPIC  

Password: test1234!  (case sensitive) 




Did you know, if you need help administering profiles in your EPIC account there are help videos for nearly every function in the EPIC Help centre. Fnd out more here or click help at the top of the page and select help videos




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